Objetivos e público alvo
Generate advocacy on confronting rights violations related to public safety through the creation of an app developed by black youth in ten areas militarized by the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Atividades Principais
– Mobilization and presentation of the proposal to black youth and local movements and organizations
– Discussion circles on the theme of political advocacy
– Discussion: “What forms of political advocacy have black people in favelas taken”
– Workshops to create the app
– Seminar
– Oversight and evaluation
The violation of the rights of black youth in Rio de Janeiro is rooted in the “pacification” of the favelas, which is, in fact, a process of militarization. Black youth confront institutional violence daily. Through the project “Militarization of the favelas: the impacts of the UPP on the lives of black youth”, supported by the Brazil Human Rights fund through its annual project selection in 2014, the Youth Forum has created a social cartography with resident black youth in ten favelas to understand the impact of the UPPs (Police Pacification Units, in Portuguese) on the lives of this segment of the population. The political advocacy through the use of cell phones creates a space for black youth to access a support network to confront these violations.
Sobre a Organização
The Black Youth Forum RJ’s mission is to fight for the guarantee of rights for youth in Rio de Janeiro, especially black youth and favela residents. Activities are almost always held in favelas and outlying neighborhoods.
– Rede de Comunidades Contra a Violência (Network of Communities Against Violence)
– Fórum Social de Manguinhos (Manguinhos Social Forum)
– Movimento Favela Não se Cala (The Favela Won’t Stay Quiet Movement)
– Movimento Ocupa Borel e Ocupa Alemão (Occupy Borel and Occupy Alemão Movements)
– Fórum de Juventudes de Belo Horizonte (Belo Horizonte Youth Forum)
– Rede Fale (Speak Network)
– Sarau Divergente (Divergent Soiree)
– Noite Faveleira (Favela Night)
– Campanha Reaja ou Será Morto ou Será Morta na Bahia (React or You Will Die Movement of Bahia)
– Campanha pela Liberdade de Rafael Braga (Free Rafael Braga Campaign)