Held by Brazil Fund and launched in August, the campaign #NãoTáTranquiloNãoTáFavorável, has gained expressive support of people who are mobilizing for human rights and for the strengthening of civil society. Among those who joined our campaign are artists such as Lenine, Leci Brandao, Fabiana Cozza and Leticia Sabatella; activists such as Atila Roque, Alexandra Loras and Bruno Torturra; athletes like Izzy Cerullo; and the youtubers Jessica Tauane, from the Bee Channel, and the girls from We’ll be There Channel.
Leticia Sabatella and Atila Roque are advisors of Brazil Fund.
Since the launch, the campaign’s hot site was visited by over15,000 people and has posted over 200 photos in support of causes such as the end of racism, violence, sexism and homophobia.
In addition to that, Paulista Avenue was the site of two of our campaign’s street actions in September and November. The event drew the attention of pedestrians, who stopped to take pictures and join the movement. Signs were made available so that people who were interested could also use them to say “Yes” to human rights.
The campaign was launched in a moment where the conservative political agenda in the country is questioning the progress achieved since the 1988 Constitution and threatens the achievement of new rights. Brazil Fund seeks to mobilize the population for the rights of every woman and man.
There are several ways to participate: sending selfies or videos; creating hashtags or using the ones available at the hot site